
On sledging routes and off-road through the deep snow

Many mountain huts are open in winter. These can either be reached on foot or you can go up with the "Hut-taxi". After a cozy hut experience, the toboggan-runs take you down many kilometers. We also run weekly tobogganing parties.

A very special experience is the deep snow sledding on the gentle mountain slopes. With ski-equipment you make your way up the mountain, with the toboggan down to the alpine hut and further down into the valley.

Mit der Pistenraupe unterwegs
Rodelspaß in der Millstätter Region

Toboggan hill directly at the hotel


Our snow-covered hill near the hotel is ideal for tobogganing. Toboggans, bobs, snowcats and lots of fun equipment for toboggans and slides await the children

Overview of toboggan runs and deep snow tobogganing

Toboggan runs and rustic mountain huts around Lake Millstatt

The most beautiful toboggan runs around Lake Millstatt with welcoming mountain huts:

Schwaiger hut - Millstatt

  • 4,2 km of toboggan run
  • 1.5 hour walk from the toll road to the alpine pasture
  • Free toboggan rental
  • 10 min drive from hotel

The most beautiful toboggan runs around Lake Millstatt with welcoming mountain huts:

Schwaiger hut - Millstatt

  • 4,2 km of toboggan run
  • 1.5 hour walk from the toll road to the alpine pasture
  • Free toboggan rental
  • 10 min drive from hotel

The most beautiful toboggan runs around Lake Millstatt with welcoming mountain huts:

Schwaiger hut - Millstatt

  • 4,2 km of toboggan run
  • 1.5 hour walk from the toll road to the alpine pasture
  • Free toboggan rental
  • 10 min drive from hotel

Pichl hut - Seeboden

  • ~ 4 km toboggan run
  • 1 hour walk from the last house in Tangern
  • Toboggan rental € 2, - (subject to availability)
  • 15 min drive from the hotel

Interesting & personal: Report about the deep snow tobogganing at the Frido Kordon hut.

Tobogganing, child care right on the slopes, snowshoeing

Willi, the owner of the hut, takes us to the hut over the winding mountain road. Frido-Kordon-Hut, signposted at 1,650m. The starting point for excitement. You stand on the loading platform of the bright red mountain taxi, and just hang our sleds behind it in a long line. The ride goes smoothly over all the steep spots, hold on tight to the handrail.

We soon find ourselves above the tree line, and an amazing panorama rises before us - the steep peaks of the Hohe Tauern, the gentle tops of the Nockberge mountains, even the closest mountains in Italy are clearly recognizable. After 15 minutes of our spectacular mountain taxi ride, we reached our goal, the 2,200m high “corner head”.

Every family is grabbing a sled and is ready to start. But first important instructions: How do you brake, who is leading the group, who is "the backlight"? A very special descent - over broad ridges and forest slopes you return to Willis cabin.

With every foot insert, you see and feel the soft snow dust. This is like deep snow skiing, just instead of with skis on a toboggan. After about 25 minutes we arrive at the rustic hut. Children's eyes are bright, parents are happy that they conquered "deep snow sledding". Now we deserve some strengthening. The attractive warm rustic hut with tasty Carinthian delicacies.

Kinder haben Spaß auf der Piste
Kinder auf der Piste
Kinder beim Skifahren in Millstatt
Skifahren in der Region Millstatt
Skiurlaub in Kärnten, Region Millstatt
Pistenspaß für die ganze Familie
Mädchen beim Eislaufen
Snowpark für Jugendliche
Snowpark für Jugendliche
Snowpark für Jugendliche